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Here are my 5 favorite Booster Bites moments to inspire you:

Hey, Matt Cook here, and when I want a boost in testosterone, I simply pop one of these Booster Bites in my mouth...

...and in just a few minutes, I'm up and ready for anything.

Today I'm going to share these Booster Bites with you for free, so you can start using them too.

And you're going to discover how Booster Bites can help you add muscle, boost libido, and give you a surge of confidence anytime you need it.

So you can perform better at work or in the gym -- and most importantly, when you're with a woman.

Over 40,262 men are already using Booster Bites to boost their natural testosterone levels and improve their performance.

Larry says his T levels are up and his weight is down... and he's getting erections like he did 30 years ago:

"Matt, thanks again for putting this information out there. I am reaching my goals.

My testosterone has gone up and my estrogen has gone down.

My weight has begun to come down as well, down to 349 lbs. (in just 5 months) from 419 lbs.

I can't remember when I started not having morning erections, but it seems like I was in my mid-twenties -- and now I have begun to have morning erections again.

Keep up the good work."


Warren says his T is so high, his doctor thought he was taking a steroid!

And now he's feeling like a teenager again with daily morning wood:

"My T and libido are really awesome. My doctor asked me if I was taking anything like a steroid because I was like at almost 1000. I think it was 980.

I can get and maintain a good erection. I am 59 and it worked for the hardness...I felt like I was a teenager.

I assumed that only chemical intervention could make that possible... I think that I am doing really good.

I am in great physical shape. I wake up with morning wood most mornings."


Earl says he got an instant erection thanks to this, and that he's tripled his T levels.

Now he doesn't have to get surgery on his manhood and he couldn't be happier:

"Hello Matt, I have solved my problem... WOW, I got an instant erection.

I thought this was silly, when I first heard of it, however, I will doing this every other day for at least the next year.

I went to my Urologist last Tuesday for the results of his blood test -- my testosterone increased from 300 to 900!

Matt you have saved me from getting the "tube in Dr willie" operation. Thanks is not enough."


And now it's your turn to start benefiting from Booster Bites!

Imagine you're in a situation when you could really use a quick boost of confidence...

Maybe you're out on a date with a beautiful girl...

Or wanting to wow your wife or girlfriend in bed...

Or maybe you're at the gym, psyching yourself up into hitting your new personal best.

Or at work, about to give a major presentation in front of your boss and coworkers.

Wherever you are, whatever you're doing -- Booster Bites are designed to deliver an instant boost of testosterone whenever a man needs it most.

And maybe you're wondering: How do Booster Bites work?

Booster Bites work by giving the male body certain key nutrients that it needs to naturally produce testosterone.

And these nutrients trigger the body into producing this testosterone immediately, in as little as 10 minutes.

So when you pop a Booster Bite in your mouth, you're instantly increasing your testosterone by at least 20 or 30%.

And it's as if you've downed a shot of liquid courage because you can feel a surge of confidence start rushing through your veins.

Now, a lot of guys don't think it's possible for T to go up this quickly...

Mainly because they're used to TRT and other medical-grade testosterone treatments, which can take weeks, months, and even years to increase T.

Well as it turns out, the body already knows how to trigger an instant testosterone boost...

It's called a rapid T release and it can happen when a man sees an attractive woman, for instance.

And this is exactly what I designed Booster Bites to do using a few safe, natural ingredients.

And I'm going to share these ingredients with you in just a moment -- but first...

Here are my 5 favorite Booster Bites moments to inspire you:

Booster Bites Moment #1 is when you are with a woman.

Suppose the night is going really, really well and now she's wanting to go home with you.

Simply pop a Booster Bite in your mouth and let it work its magic...

And by the time you get back to your place, you are buzzing with confidence...

Your drive is peaking, your energy is increasing, and you're feeling a stirring down below...

And when she puts one of her soft hands on your leg, that's all it takes to make you hard and ready for her.

Luckily for her, you have the stamina of a 20-year-old again -- and now you're able to keep pumping her all night long...

So don't be surprised when she's calling you up and asking for seconds...

"My libido is much stronger and I'm having through the night erections again.

Not to mention, my energy levels are fantastic!!!

I'm enjoying strong wood and those internal throbbing sensations I remember from teenage years.

Got to say a massive thank you for this, Matt!"


Booster Bites Moment #2 is when you're in the gym or working out.

Let's say you're working on your body and trying to replace fat with strong, lean muscle...

Maybe it's taking a while... maybe your gains are small and slow...

Maybe your muscle definition isn't where you want it to be.

Why not give Booster Bites a try?

Simply pop one in your mouth and feel an immediate surge of energy, motivating you to lift heavier weights or increase your reps...

And watch as the increase in testosterone makes it easier for you to build muscle... even if you skip the gym!

In this instance, I like to think of Booster Bites as a type of pre-workout -- just pop one in your mouth before you start lifting to potentially double your gains...

"90% of man boobs gone and significant belly fat loss! And that's without exercise!"


Booster Bites Moment #3 is when you're in a job interview or important meeting.

Perhaps you're one step away from landing your dream job...

Or maybe you're up for a big promotion and just have to convince them that you're the right man for the job.

Well in a situation like this, a man wants to project confidence, right?

But it's only natural for nerves to start creeping in...

So simply pop a Booster Bite in your mouth a few minutes before the meeting to put your best foot forward, no matter what.

Let this pure natural surge of testosterone be the edge you need to succeed.

You'll be fearless and impressive without even trying...

And other guys will see you coming and immediately know you've got them beat.

"I just wanted to let you know that when I started, my T level was 304.

A 34 year old man with really really low T levels.

I just had them rechecked and they have more than doubled.

Currently at 611 and rising along with my confidence."


Booster Bites Moment #4 is when you're feeling stressed out.

Maybe it's one of those days when you're already running late and then get stuck in a traffic jam...

Maybe your kid is sick, or your wife, or even your elderly father.

Wherever the stress is coming from, don't let it get you (or your T levels) down.

Stress can really tank a man's testosterone, so take a second to pop a Booster Bite in your mouth.

Then suddenly, everything is becoming a lot more tolerable.

You don't even hear the honking horns anymore. You've got your window down and you're enjoying the breeze.

And now your problems seem a lot smaller and a lot more manageable.

And all it takes is one bite-size snack to turn it all around...

"I noticed an immediate change in my attitude!

I think it works on us guys in a way that actually causes us to produce testosterone!

This would be a God Send for all the guys on those stupid, ineffective testosterone creams.

Thanks for turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men."


Booster Bites Moment #5 is when you have to give an important speech, lead a group, or take charge of an event.

In the old days, you would've been shaking, your heart would be thumping in your chest, butterflies in your stomach...

...but now you just pop a Booster Bite in your mouth, and in a few moments, your confidence has surged. In fact, now you walk onto any stage feeling like a big man with a swagger, your head held high, and determination in your eyes.

And all the other men instinctively know that you're the Alpha.

They all get out of your way, with respect and even fear in their eyes.

They don't dare cross you.

"Matt, my testosterone levels have risen 600%.

I have shared this with several of my friends and coworkers who are grateful for it.

Keep it up!"


Any moment can be a Booster Bites moment.

You can pop one in your mouth whenever you feel like having more confidence.

Whenever you need a little pick-me-up or a quick dose of courage...

Maybe you're meeting up with your buddies at a bar...

...going to your high school reunion...

...or talking to that cute girl at the coffee shop for the first time...

Anytime you want a quick testosterone boost, simply pop a Booster Bite in your mouth.

Ready to give Booster Bites a try? Click here

Testosterone is like the holy grail for men...

Men with high testosterone levels have an easier time forming strong, lean muscles:

Even if they don't spend any time in the gym.

Men with high T have hotter, faster metabolisms -- so food rarely gets turned into fat:

That's why 20-year-old guys with 1200 T levels can eat all the pizza and hamburgers they want, and drink beer and soda without packing on the pounds.

Having high T levels is also protective for the heart:

​​Men with high testosterone generally have lower risks of heart attack and heart disease.

And this means men with higher T are able to do all the activities they love without fear of overdoing it-- like bike riding, hiking, tennis, high intensity sports, even sex...

Having high T is also important for having a great sex life.

Men with higher testosterone have a higher libido and are able to get it up and go anytime:

Because having high, healthy T is so important to getting good, strong erections that last 20 or 30 minutes:

And get this -- women find men with higher T more attractive than men with low T:

It's a biological, automatic response that women can't control.

So men need good, high testosterone levels to stay healthy and have a good sexual relationship with a woman.

So why not take medical-grade testosterone supplements?

Why not get gels, patches, pills, or shots?

Well other than the fact that those things take time, if they even work at all -- the body doesn't really do well when testosterone is delivered through pills or shots.

These pills and shots contain a lot of testosterone -- too much testosterone -- for the body to handle all at once.

So what does the body do with all of this extra testosterone?

The body starts converting this extra testosterone into estrogen, in a process known as aromatization.

So now all the T you're putting into your body is just getting turned into estrogen.

And not just any estrogen...

Estrogen comes in three forms, and during aromatization, testosterone gets turned into the most potent type of estrogen called estradiol.

Estradiol is 10 times more potent and more powerful than the other types of estrogen.

And estrogen of any kind is the last thing men want piling up in their bodies.

"But don't worry," the big drug companies tell you, "that's why we have another pill to block those estrogens."

Well come to find out, it's the same medicine they give women who have breast cancer...

So it often comes with many undesirable side effects for men, like man boobs, belly fat, low drive, and ED.

Yet nobody is telling men this. Because they're trying to sell men costly testosterone drugs and TRT. It's a business for Big Pharma after all.

And there's another huge problem I've found with taking medical-grade testosterone supplements...

When you get extra T through a gel, injection or pellet, your body starts down-regulating its own natural production of testosterone.

So now the body isn't making much testosterone on its own anymore...

Because it feels like it doesn't have to. Because now the pill or shot is doing all the work.

And this is how men end up with really low T and really high estrogen...

And a bunch of health and sex problems that they don't know how to fix.

Now, I'm not suggesting that if your doctor prescribes testosterone, you flout his orders...

I'm simply suggesting that in many cases, extra medical testosterone may not be necessary.

Many times you can kick start your body into producing more testosterone naturally, on its own...

Oftentimes, with just one bite!

One of my student's, Doug, says he was under a specialist's care for 2 years and getting T injections and trying creams...

But nothing worked for him until he tried Booster Bites -- and now his T is higher than it's ever been:

"After being under a specialist's care for 2 years, in a blood test, my Hemoglobin was 2.5 times normal. They immediately took me off the T injections.

I had been on the creams for 1.5 years to no effect except skin irritation. So they graduated me up to the shots.

No effect, except the "80W" blood! So I decided to try this...

I was getting blood tests weekly. In 2 weeks, my blood work was normal, and my T was in the high/normal range.

In Canada our ratings are different, so, to not confuse, I won't give numbers. Thank you Matt!!"


And Antonio says this blows the drops he was prescribed right out of the water -- he's getting harder erections now than he's had in years:

"Unbelievable. I got the drops to lower my estrogen and my prolactin (and have now stopped) and they don't even come close to the way that this works!!!!

The very first night I woke up with morning wood. Placebo or physical...who cares.

Because every day it gets better. My erection hasn't felt better or hasn't been harder for years.

In fact, let's call it my internal feeling is amazing.

This morning (after my surgery yesterday) I had the best morning wood in years."


And now there are thousands of men who are benefiting from healthy, natural T thanks to Booster Bites.

And this is exactly why I came up with Booster Bites in the first place.

Ready to give Booster Bites a try? Click here

In fact, when I came up with Booster Bites 11 years ago, it was to help out a student who was at the end of his rope...

Let's call him "John" to protect his privacy -- and when I meet him, John is 60 years old with really low T levels.

He has low drive, weak erections, and low confidence in the bedroom.

He's got a belly he can't get rid of, extra fat around his chest, and he feels tired all the time.

And worse, he can no longer be intimate with his wife.

And John is trying everything-- TRT, injections, pills, supplements -- and nothing is working for him.

If anything, his symptoms are getting worse and his T is dropping lower.

And he feels like giving up... of resigning himself to a life with no drive, no energy, and no more intimacy with his wife.

So I tell John, I say: "This happens to a lot of guys as they get older, John. It's not your fault."

The average guy's testosterone levels start dropping up to 3% per year by the time he turns 30 years old...

And that means by the time we're 50 or 60, we're lucky to have half the amount of testosterone we did when we were young.

And what causes this drop in T as men get older?

Testosterone levels can drop for a lot of reasons.

What you're eating, what you're drinking, how well you're sleeping, how hard you're working out...

If you're stressed all the time, if you have thyroid problems or diabetes, if your estrogen levels are high...

All of these things can impact a man's testosterone levels.

But let me be clear that just because testosterone often falls with age, doesn't mean it has to...

It is totally possible for a man to have high T his entire life, even until he's 100 years old.

As this New England Research Institutes study says:

"The decline in testosterone observed in population studies is by no means universal and testosterone levels may be stable or even increase with age in some men."

And you know what makes the difference?

The difference comes down to how well a man's Leydig cells are functioning.

The Leydig cells are down in a man's testes, and they're the cells responsible for producing testosterone.

And in order for the Leydig cells to produce testosterone, they need to take luteinizing hormone (LH) from the brain and turn it into testosterone.

Well, when a man is young and healthy, the Leydig cells are producing testosterone at a rapid rate.

They're taking as much LH as they can get and quickly turning it into healthy, high testosterone.

So testosterone levels are high and estrogen levels are low. It's automatic.

But over time, this LH to testosterone process inevitably starts slowing down...

The Leydig cells down in the testes are getting exposed to more and more "wear and tear" as a man gets older...

Tight underwear, warm computers in the lap, personal products that contain parabens...

These are just a few examples of day-to-day activities that can wear on the testes and affect Leydig cell function.

Even riding a Harley can damage a man's Leydig cells, believe it or not. All that high intensity vibration...

And then there's injuries and trauma to the testicles, of course, that can also slow down the Leydig cells.

So now, after decades of this daily wear and tear, the Leydig cells are starting to produce less testosterone less often...

And now luteinizing hormone is piling up in the body, as less and less of it is being used by the Leydig cells to create testosterone...

Meanwhile, T levels are slowly starting to drop as estrogen levels climb higher...

And eventually, the testosterone to estrogen ratio is completely out of whack.

So now a man is left with high estrogen and low testosterone...

And he starts experiencing symptoms like weight gain, muscle loss, low libido, ED...

And this is exactly what is happening to my student, John.

His Leydig cells are slowing down and producing less and less testosterone.

And each time he tries supplementing testosterone with pills or injections, aromatization is just turning it into estrogen.

So he's stuck in this terrible loop of high estrogen and low T.

And now I realize what I have to do to help John and probably thousands of other men who are going through the same thing...

I have to find a way to trigger the Leydig cells into naturally producing more testosterone on their own.

I have to find a way to rejuvenate the Leydig cells -- to bathe them in healing goodness, so they perform as well as they did decades ago...

So a man can keep producing natural, healthy testosterone and enjoy all the benefits...

And keep healthy, high T levels well into his 60s, 70s, and beyond.

And this is where my journey begins -- I start working on this problem around the clock...

I'm reading 20 medical studies a day...

I'm talking on the phone with professors at the University of California in Los Angeles, the University of California at Davis, at Berkeley, and the University of Maryland...

I'm even talking to scientists at the National Institutes of Health.

I'm throwing everything I have into this testosterone problem and even experimenting on myself along the way.

At one point, I have a dozen mixtures and powders spread out on the kitchen counter like it's my own personal laboratory...

I'm trying every supplement, herb, vitamin, and mineral I can get my hands on...

And then one day, I decide to try a natural steroid that's often overlooked, even by me...

...a natural hormone that can help charge up the Leydig cells into producing more testosterone.

I'm talking about progesterone.

Progesterone promotes testosterone production -- it's one of the building blocks of testosterone.

And most men are actually low in progesterone without realizing it.

So by supplementing just a little bit of progesterone, I can raise my natural levels and hopefully trigger my Leydig cells into producing more T.

Right away, within 30 minutes of trying it, I'm feeling a bit warmer...

My mind feels clearer, like I've just had a shot of espresso (minus the jitters).

My confidence is rising...

And I'm even feeling...dare I say, horny?

However, the feeling passes just as soon as it comes on. And then I'm feeling a strange letdown...

Promising, but not quite there yet. So back to work I go...

And now I'm looking for other safe, natural hormones that men might be low in...

Like DHEA, nicknamed the "youth hormone" by many scientists.

DHEA has the ability to rejuvenate the Leydig cells, rewinding the clock so they are working like they did 20 or 30 years ago.

So now all that luteinizing hormone that's just been sitting around in the body, piling up and not being used...

Now DHEA is rounding up all the spare LH and taking it down to the Leydig cells, where it starts stimulating the Leydig cells into producing more and more T.

It's like a quick, gentle reminder for the Leydig cells to do their job and turn this LH into T.

And since the LH is already sitting there, patiently waiting to be turned into testosterone...

...the testosterone increase should be pretty immediate -- at least that's what I'm hoping for as I get ready to test it out for the first time...

I know I'm on the right track when within 20 minutes of taking it, I'm feeling super turned on and super attracted to my wife.

That rush of energy is back, I'm feeling warmer and randier...

And I'm feeling like I can take on the world, like I'm ready for anything.

And this time, the feeling doesn't just go away. It stays around for at least an hour or two.

And I'm so excited by the result, I work right through the night without any sleep.

I can feel myself getting closer and closer to a solution I can be proud of... something that I can feel confident passing along to guys like John...

But I still think I can make this better... more potent, longer-lasting...

So I decide to try adding in a simple food that has been shown in lab studies to work as an aromatase inhibitor...

...white button mushrooms!

I'm thinking -- maybe the instant T boost is still getting turned into estrogen somehow...

Maybe that's why the benefits of these T boosts seem so short-lived...

So what if I take a little bit of ground up mushrooms -- a natural aromatase inhibitor -- and put it as the cherry on top of this little mixture I've come up with...

Will it be enough to help testosterone stay testosterone?

I only have to wait 10 minutes before I feel something...

And then I'm feeling warmer, more clear-headed, and more energized...

A surge of confidence is rushing through me...

And something else starts happening -- something incredible...

I look down and see a tent in my pants...

That's right, an almost instantaneous boner.

I was simply thinking about my wife and now I'm hard as a rock and ready to go!

So of course, I decide to take full advantage of this unexpected benefit by taking my wife upstairs...

And I almost can't believe it when I realize we've been making love for more than 40 minutes!

My stamina is supercharged, it's like I'm 20-years-old again.

And we're both loving it!

And now there's nothing left to do but share this discovery with John and other guys who have been suffering.

I decide to call these quick T-raising snacks Booster Bites, for obvious reasons.

And when I share Booster Bites with John, at first he's skeptical...

His expectations are low and I can tell he's mostly humoring me, but he agrees to give Booster Bites a try...

And boy, are we both glad he did! Because just three days later, John is feeling better than he has in years.

He's telling me he feels clear-headed again, he has energy, he has confidence...

And he's so hopeful again that he agrees to keep using Booster Bites until his next blood test, so we can get the proof once and for all.

And here's what John writes to me just 2 months later...

"My testosterone is 1240 now and I get so hard, I can't even believe it... and I can last forever...

All my wife has to do is simply role over and touch my leg and I have a diamond cutter.

My wife and I want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because of your help we have our fantastic love life again.

Thank you for everything."


And now thousands of men are using Booster Bites and loving their results:

Blaine's testosterone is now higher than most 20-year-olds:

"I am 59 and I just ran a health profile and I LOVE my testosterone results.

The good news is my Total T is 821!"


George's T has nearly doubled in a short amount of time:

"Testosterone has gone from 295 a year ago to 468 recently."


Zach's raised his T from zero to nearly 600 after trying and failing with TRT for years:

"Holy shit my testosterone is 594. That is incredible after being off TRT for so long.

Last time I think it was almost zero. You the man!"


Kevin thought it wasn't possible to have high T until he tried this:

"I'm 38 and have a testosterone of 864 in my latest lab test. Go figure...

...I never thought this would be possible!"


Dino has successful tripled his T levels with Booster Bites:

"My testosterone was 648 and before that it was 360.

After doing this, I have increased to 882! Thank you"


And so far, Christopher has doubled his testosterone this way:

"My testosterone was in the 400 range... not really healthy for my age, but also not too bad as to justify medical intervention.

After this, my last test says my testosterone is 756 (astounding improvement!!)"


Ready to give Booster Bites a try? Click here

And I am loving Booster Bites too!

I use Booster Bites whenever I want a little pick-me-up...

Whenever I want to make sure I'm good and ready for alone time with my wife... Or when I have a big presentation to give...

Heck, I even pop a Booster Bite in my mouth before running errands sometimes!

Because I just love the feeling it gives me...

It's like my little secret weapon that charges me up with confidence and courage, and it makes everything I'm doing seem easier and more fun.

And thanks to Booster Bites, intimacy with my wife is better than ever.

My wife is thrilled that she can come up to me now and just kiss me a certain way, and just like that -- I'm hard to the touch.

It makes her feel like the sexiest woman in the world -- and to me, she is!

And she's also loving how much longer I'm lasting now that my T is good and high.

And frankly, I'm nothing special in this department...

It's really Booster Bites that's doing all the heavy lifting...

And there's no denying Booster Bites work... just look at my T levels!

My T levels are nearly 900 and I'm 63 years old.

I even lost my belly, thanks to Booster Bites. I had to buy all new clothes, buying size 32 pants instead of size 38.

And now I'm eating like I did when I was 16 and never gaining an ounce of fat -- only muscle.

Incredible, right? And this could be you!

I'm sharing Booster Bites with you for free today.

And the reason it's free is because, technically, I'm not allowed to sell you Booster Bites...

My lawyer called and told me that FDA rules don't allow me to sell natural T boosters like this.

You see, the big pharmaceutical companies won't tolerate anyone threatening their profits.

They're a business after all...

So here's what I'm doing...

Unlike Big Pharma, I'm not in this for the money.

I'm not coming up with Booster Bites to get rich or get famous.

I became a health researcher to help other guys and share my discoveries -- and that's enough for me.

So I'm giving you the ingredients for Booster Bites -- the recipe if you will -- for free...

And I'm showing you where to get these few simple, safe to get them in bulk for cheap... much to use, and how easy it is to whip up a batch of Booster Bites...

Any man can make them -- it takes just 5 minutes and there's no real cooking or complicated baking going on.

And you can make a bunch of Booster Bites at once and store them safely in the fridge to use whenever you want a quick boost of T.

And another great thing about Booster Bites?

The recipe is completely customizable.

As long as you have the few core ingredients you need to make Booster Bites work, anything goes.

You can add some cheese, some jam, some honey, some oats...

You can even add a little bit of white chocolate and coconut -- the Matt Cook way.

The point is you can make Booster Bites taste any way you like, and they're still giving you an instant shot of T right when you need it most.

Simply fill out the form below and I'll send you everything for free right now.

Start naturally raising your T and lowering your estrogen levels with just one bite.

Enjoy boosting your confidence and your sex appeal, and your stamina with a woman naturally, in just a matter of minutes...

And join me and thousands of other guys living the high T life with high libido, great health, and great happiness as a man.

Simply fill out the form below and Booster Bites are yours.

Enjoy! (And don't forget to let me know how they're working for you...)

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